Photo of the ruins of the library at Ephesus.

Seven Churches of Revelation in Turkey

Photo of child's hand placing LEGO bricks on an annotated map.

for Kids

Photo of pink flowers in the foreground with pillars of the ruins in Corinth, Greece in the background.

Paul’s Travels
in Greece

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Geo-Logos with Samantha Corcoran
Geo-Logos with Samantha Corcoran1 day ago
Did you know? The Tomb of Esther and Mordecai in Hamadan, Iran, is a significant historical and religious site. It’s believed to be the final resting place of the biblical heroes of Purim.

πŸ“† Purim, the holiday celebrating the events of the book of Esther, begins this Thursday!

πŸ”— Watch my most popular video about the Queen Esther Memorial in Iran:

#esther #purim
Geo-Logos with Samantha Corcoran
Queen Esther Memorial in Iran
Esther’s story is still told 2,500 years later. See where in this devotional video from Samantha Corcoran for the Women Walking with God Conference 2019.Sour…
Geo-Logos with Samantha Corcoran
Geo-Logos with Samantha Corcoran2 days ago
It’s that time of year to make my favorite Purim cookies to celebrate Queen Esther!

🎩 This modern three-cornered fruit-filled cookie is called β€œhamantaschen,” German for β€œHaman’s hat.”


πŸ”— Want to learn more about Esther? Watch my 2019 @womenwalkingwithgod conference talk:

#Esther #Purim #cookies
Geo-Logos with Samantha Corcoran
Geo-Logos with Samantha Corcoran2 days ago
Not sure that DreamWorks read Exodus 7:7 when animating The Prince of Egypt. Because my copy says Moses was 80, not ‘fresh-faced college student.’

πŸ”— Lois highlights how biblical culture values the wisdom of elders, unlike today’s focus on youth. Join us for Chapter 2 of Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus!

πŸ“· DreamWorks
Geo-Logos with Samantha Corcoran
Geo-Logos with Samantha Corcoran4 days ago
“If a person exerts himself and ascends to the summit, it is possible to reach it, while not being there. He stands on the summit of the mountain, but his head is somewhere else.”

This is all about reading the Bible in it’s context, in it’s physical setting, and hearing it as if we’re right there with the original listeners.

πŸ”— Read Lois’ article, which is an excerpt from the book:

πŸ”— We’re in Chapter 2 of Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus. Read along with us!
Geo-Logos with Samantha Corcoran
Geo-Logos with Samantha Corcoran6 days ago
“This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the *Law of Moses*, the *Prophets* and the *Psalms*.” -Luke 24:44

πŸ“œ Jesus referenced the Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, which includes the Torah, Prophets, and Writings. Discover more about it in the video below!

πŸ”— Watch my favorite animated explanation of the Tanakh:

πŸ”— We’re in Chapter 1 of Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus. Read along with us!

#BibleStudy #Tanakh
Geo-Logos with Samantha Corcoran
Old Testament Summary: A Complete Animated Overview
Watch our overview video on the Old Testament, also known as the Hebrew Bible, or the TaNaK. This video breaks down the literary design of the entire Old Tes…
Geo-Logos with Samantha Corcoran
Geo-Logos with Samantha Corcoran1 week ago
Any hikers here? Jerusalem has introduced a new 20-kilometer (12.5-mile) hiking trail, offering explorers the chance to experience the path leading to Emmaus.

πŸ”— Read more:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Surprisingly, there are 9 (!!) different candidates for the town of Emmaus. Different traditions place Emmaus at various sites west of Jerusalem. While the villages of Abu Ghosh and el-Qubeibeh (both c. 7 miles [60 stadia] from Jerusalem) have traditionally been identified with the biblical site, a more likely candidate may be Emmaus-Nicopolis (around 19 miles [160 stadia] away), which is where the Emmaus Trail ends.

πŸ”— We’re in Chapter 1 of Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus. Read along with us!

πŸ“· Henri Gourinard